Thursday, May 27, 2010

Does God Need Us???

I was having coffee with a friend the other day, and a question materialized out of a conversation that we were having on the subject of me leaving for Australia soon: Does God really need us???

The question itself was not answered immediately; a clever response not sitting on deck awaiting its moment to shine. Its a question that begs your full, mind, and heart's, participation....

Granting time its respectful allotment, the answer that came soon after was "no, He doesn't." Out of our HUMAN desires to be needed, I wanted to answer YES. But in ALL truth, God is God; what could the created give the creator to lend a hand? What angle did God forget that WE totally picked up on??? What does God lack that we have in our possession?????? Obviously, nothing.

And this is where God's loving nature comes in; drowning us in His immeasurable mercy and grace. He loves us so, so much that He allows us to help Him in the process; pardoning us of our present state that is marked by weaknesses and failures; GIFTING us with the opportunity to point the whole world to Him; to His son Jesus. Who does that, other than God? Awesome!!!

I love that OUR gracious and merciful Father allows ragamuffins like us to be His light houses... to aid in the process of saving lives.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Different Shades

I have complete faith and hope in the fact that God wants to do the humanly impossible through us ALL; both the weakest and strongest of faith.

.....but the humanly impossible can have so many different shades; complexions shining brighter, or, in the tiniest of gestures, dimmer than its neighboring hue; each being complimentary, and, integral to the whole story being told; God's story.

I am thankful that God's palette is broad; that He uses some extravagantly, and that He also chooses to use others more modestly; needing the loud and the silent; each adding strength to the other's weakness, but in turn, both singing praises to God in unison; that His vantage point, and His story, is far greater than ours.

With meek and humble hearts, yield to the trustworthy brush strokes of our God; allowing your life to be painted in any way that He sees fit.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

..."how beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news..." - Romans 10:15.

Had the privilege tonight to love on everyone with a guitar, microphone, and close friend; curbside, heart unlaced and receptive to all that was poured out. I left overflowing. Amen

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Building of Trophies...

As of late, God has fleshed out my thoughts; a revelation given bone, muscles, and skin; a thought that is not rocket science....

....At times, the dimly lit and slick stepping stones that I have had to cross in my past; the pathways of my life, from the vantage point of the world, have resembled that of a wandering ship lost at sea; a circling voyage pieced apart by those who perceive life only in the linear. But God's thoughts are not like our thoughts, and His ways are so much loftier than ours; a box that we should never place Him in.

I have come to believe that God draws vital pieces to the puzzle out of us within every step from stone to stone; each piece crucial to the next, and, complimentary to the wholeness and purpose of the mosaic; bringing God all the glory and fame because of the light that Christ shines through us. And what has been perceived as wandering, is in ALL actuality, a display of God's brilliance; a divine orchestration of the perfect steps for MY life, not yours; the human impossibility being made possible by His breath falling upon it. Our lives; each point, intersection, and fork in the road; each pathway that has been uniquely designed for us, is meant to draw out the important pieces that He needs, that when strategically placed together, equal the person that we were created to be; the person that can and WILL fulfill His will and bring Him joy because All the pieces have been collected to commence action; a will that is revealed and fulfilled IF we make the choice to trade our personal pursuits for His and say "yes" to His steps and logic, not ours.

From every move, from every school, from every career, from every failure and success, God has drawn something special and vital from deep waters within me; surgical removals that have been accompanied by severe pain and confusion, by great joy and peace. Spirit filled peace and clarity have not always been close friends of mine; privileges that I have been allowed to experience from the overflowing of God's grace and immeasurable mercy.

Spiritual weaponry is being assembled by the hands of God; a.k.a. THE CALLING ON MY LIFE.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Hunter...

O, how I long to be so close to you again; back in time to a place without separation. How I fervently pray just to feel your wind dance through my broken branches and delicate leaves; embracing my outstretched arms that yearn for your Son; the warmth.

It grows cold here sometimes and the nights overstay their welcome. There IS a hunter in these woods; prowling like that of a lion. But he knows where to find me in the stillness of my stature. He comes to me with ax in hand; to "talk," and for me to listen. He is coming today much like yesterday; mirroring the days that preceded our dawn today. He has come to strip away the beauty, to cheat those seeking refuge and shelter in God's grace and mercy. But attempt after attempt; cut after endless cut, he cannot have what he longs for; his loss being clearly defined in the years of the past.

Above the ground I am reduced to nothing; pity and scorn from the eyewitnesses that dance around the base of my trunk. But below the surface, underneath the cold soil and earth lies an anchor; roots of strength and confidence; roots that he cannot steal away or barter for; roots driven through and intertwined within an abundant spring; my living water.

Growth is inevitable. Shoots reach for the stars; for YOUR warmth; the loving embrace of a FATHER. In desperation, my roots hold steadfast to a time without separation from your love.