Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

…He gave the failures names; he gave them faces; carved within smiles and shimmery blue eyes, he took what was intended for good, and with his own words, dissected and divided it against itself; sowing questions and doubts in the fragile and vulnerable minds of the innocent and naïeve. The critical critique of the uncommitted; one whose tongue violently, and in haste, heaves stone after countless stone of opinion at the “glass windows” before him; ones that have boldly and courageously AND TRANSPARENTLY placed their lives on the target of critique; stepping forward on the frontline to lead and guide the trembling flock to safety; offering up their lives as sacrifices to feed and nurture them; lifting and building and preparing them for this life and the life to come; far from the wolves that beckon them into the shadows of isolation. How quickly his WORDS were rendered, but, how impotent was his ability and willingness to act; the uncommitted wolf in sheep’s clothing….
… a need was perceived, but the uncommitted wolf was unwilling to be the solution.
… opinions must be harnessed and kept at bay if we are unwilling to sacrifice and be a part of the solution; bringing a greater state of healthiness among the Body of imperfection. If not, they are just critical cries of the uncommitted…

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Sowing

A word has fallen from Your lips; fastened tightly upon an arrow traveling along its trajectory to the intended mark; my heart. The good soil has been broken by the till and the spade; softened for reception of the seed that you sow. The earth clings to the impartation; the preserver that gives life to the drowning. Every seed must die before it grows; held firmly within its earthen grave; protected within the rib cage; held safe in the harbor of the palpitating heart; far from the reaches of the scavenger birds that snatch away what seed has fallen upon the trodden paths and shallow soil. The source of the river knows no drought; His Spirit implacable; unmoved from the intentions and initiatives that have been scripted from time immemorial. Down stream; faces and names, lives and circumstances, histories and futures; each being graced by the outpouring of your love; a catalyst, a sowing, that outlives itself by minutes, weeks, months, years, and generations.

Perseverance and patience have produced a harvest; love proven through obedient sowing

Luke 8:15 "and the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good hearted people who hear God's word, cling to it, and patiently produce (through perseverance) a huge harvest."

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Best Path

The reverberations within the heart and mind have slowly dissipated; a fleeting movement and gesture devoid of scoring; devoid of rhythm and melody. A surrender has commenced; a sweet severing from fear, from anxieties, from the hold that sorrow and joylessness bring. The last finger has departed from the grip it once laid upon the dream; the laborious toil that seized the mind and heart; her face, their coming, the destination, a formula, the shape and form, the gift, the promise and its expected time of arrival.  What was never mine, is now yours; the One that shaped the very heart You understand so well; a heart that beats to the cadence You have set. Take the very palpitations of my heart; the very things they yearn for; set them anew; eternally syncopated with Yours. The banner of peace and rest dances on the currents of the wind before us; following the Lamp unto my feet, the Light unto my path; the best path; one that was divinely ordained for this life I have been beckoned and wooed to live.