Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10th, 2010: Home Away From Home

I am surrounded, and, overwhelmed by empathetic compassion and love; FAMILY; something I was involuntarily starving for and had no recollection of. A week had pulled itself from the shadows and lodged itself on my jugular; leaching and embezzling energy and strength from muscle and bone; places unseen by spectating eyes. God reminded me of why I must press on through the dark today; enduring exhaustion and sleep deprivation for the sake of another; conquering all selfishness and pride; all for the hearts and eternal purposes of MY family. Abby, God has His hand on your life. He has set you apart to be a shepherd over His flock. Receive it with joy and with utter reverence. What a wonderful privilege WE are not worthy to posses. The devil must be furious of what WE accomplished today, and, of what will continue to spread like dry, wild fires in the howling Santa Anna winds.

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