... knowing my humble position as a chosen and adopted VESSEL allows for the very message entrusted into my care to bear weight and carry authority; the posture that was purposefully intended for all messengers alike. As quickly as the focal point shifts and plays away from "sender" to "messenger," all the quicker the diminishing of authority of the message that is held; God's precious, life-giving words that you harbor. The message itself dissipates in the wind; withering like parched, moisture starved pedals in the unforgiving sun; it loses the very power in which it was conceived and pinned; finding itself lost in translation; long forgotten due to the inclusion of "self" and it's message.
... who's words are you carrying mighty, messenger boy??? Bring to remembrance that you have been graced with authority by the the ONE who has authorship of ALL authority.... the ONE who sent you forth into all nations holding high His banner of salvation.
... carry His words well...
Matthew 28:18-19; Luke 24:47
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