Monday, September 26, 2011

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

…He gave the failures names; he gave them faces; carved within smiles and shimmery blue eyes, he took what was intended for good, and with his own words, dissected and divided it against itself; sowing questions and doubts in the fragile and vulnerable minds of the innocent and naïve. The critical critique of the uncommitted; one whose tongue violently, and in haste, heaves stone after countless stone of opinion at the “glass windows” before him; ones that have boldly and courageously AND TRANSPARENTLY placed their lives on the target of critique; stepping forward on the frontline to lead and guide the trembling flock to safety; offering up their lives as sacrifices to feed and nurture them; lifting and building and preparing them for this life and the life to come; far from the wolves that beckon them into the shadows of isolation. How quickly his WORDS were rendered, but, how impotent was his ability and willingness to act; the uncommitted wolf in sheep’s clothing….

… a need was perceived, but the uncommitted wolf was unwilling to be the solution.

… opinions must be harnessed and kept at bay if we are unwilling to sacrifice and be a part of the solution; bringing a greater state of healthiness among the Body of imperfect and broken believers. If not, they are just critical cries of the uncommitted…

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