Saturday, November 19, 2011
... Allow them to tie off to YOU mighty Anchor. Bless you!
... REST in quiet confidence and humble contentment; steadfast in truth that the Author of our salvation; the Architect of life itself; IS WITH US... guiding us down, and lighting the very path that He has willed into existence; the very novel that He has written with His meticulous and grace filled hands; a cobble stone path that He has set our treasured feet upon...
... He is able to guard what we've entrusted into His hands.... Our lives; the precious gift of our hearts...
... As we receive wisdom and strength and peace to leave the safety of the ledge, WE too give confidence to all that follow the light that emanates from us; a heavenly lantern illuminating the path home...
... Lead the way. Guide them to the TRUTH that has found you, and the TRUTH that you have received with all hope and confidence. You have been chosen and trusted to walk in Christ's footsteps. Lead the way mighty Anchor. Amen.
.... soak in every moment; drawing from it all that God has for you; a stepping stone into God's best for your life; a life that WILL change the trajectory of the multitude. You are a mighty[ANG-ker]!!! Hold on to your Everything; the one who has given you everything.
Anchor, we are chained to you; permanently fixed and held stationary by your unrelenting strength; a divinely crafted marriage that not even death can separate. The tide cannot lay hold of our hull and steal us away within the night; the waves will not rise and abandon us on distant shores. Our roots shatter solid ground and dive into the depths of the nourishing Soil; anchoring into Life itself. Winter comes like a thief in the night; stripping us bare of all external beauty; Summer bullying us with thirst and parched lips; Spring and Fall dancing with our emotions; clothing us with vivid and stunning colors; dissipating and fading within the seasons that proceed forth with no patch of loyalty sown upon the breast of their coats. Anchor, we are forever anchored into You; the confession upon our lips being that “you ARE good; it IS who you are; faithful through gales and tidal surges; eternally dressing our branches with heavenly fruit in, and through, each season that arrives and quickly fades away.” Our eyes are fixed upon yours; patiently awaiting Your slightest signal.
… We are watched over in our coming and going; never found separated from the One who created us. Adopt that which has been exampled for us; becoming the guardian and watchman over those written into the pages of your book; tying off their vessels to the [an-chor] that you ARE. Protect and nourish. Amen