Saturday, November 19, 2011

... this very juncture in time; the backdrop that has been painted ever so delicately on the canvas; the cobble stones on which my weathered and tattered feet are bound; the sea of faces, the ripples of colors and textures, the beckoning of light and of sound. You, Lord, have penned me in this chapter with ink and with steady hand; love calling out the beauty that has been held hostage for so many years. Illuminate all that I must see and lay hold of; calling to the water's surface the destiny within each fleeting moment in it's brevity; aligning each puzzle piece to reveal the intended design. Their faces; their countenance; their very spirit and confession; a reflection of who I am, and who I am becoming. The impossible stands before me; green eyes setting their gaze upon mine; whispering into my ears the Author's truths; the Author who knows nothing of impossible. They are only a shadow of who YOU are becoming...

.... soak in every moment; drawing from it all that God has for you; a stepping stone into God's best for your life; a life that WILL change the trajectory of the multitude. You are a mighty[ANG-ker]!!! Hold on to your Everything; the one who has given you everything.

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