Thursday, December 8, 2011


You have spoken to your child Father; sweet tears are left behind on my cheeks as evidence of this intimate moment; no longer fighting the stone in my throat, but yielding to its presence by releasing the inexpressible from the depths of my heart; in it's brevity, knowing that the words my eyes laid gaze upon were at that very moment being breathed upon my heart by the One that holds it so carefully within His hands. You have taken what was worthless; what was tattered and soiled; and have made it your prize possession; from the heart of the self inflicted tempest you have removed her sails; giving her calm waters and a harbor; giving her an [ANG-ker]; trusting her with a message for foreign shores. The Unworthy are filled with gratitude; honoring you with thankfulness from deep waters; knowing that the very breath in our lungs; the very message that we carry within our bow; is evidence of heaven touching earth.... Evidence that God hears and is faithful to respond to cries of the broken.

... And from this place we cry out for the broken...

1 comment:

  1. I love this! You write beautifully. I love your use of the sea in your writing. The anchor is one of my favorite symbols as well as the fish. Your writing jumps off the page for me. I have felt, at times, a tremendous burden for the “world.” Like you say, “we cry out for the broken.” I have found myself doing this in my car.
