Monday, December 6, 2010

The Adoption

An adoption process has been set into motion; a communion with what is not perceived and with what is graciously received by the external party. There is an importance in harboring that which others receive from us; regardless and void of our own perception and emotions that are conjured up from that proclaimed theory. Yes, discernment must be firmly clung to in relation to this personal adoption before giving yourself the green light to accelerate forward into new territory.

In the closing of this latest season, I feel that I have had to step out in faith into new roles; waters that have been unexplored and uncharted until these present moments; the expanding and broadening of my faith, intimacy, and total effectiveness; a depth that God alone is leading me to. These "positions" that others have defined and characterized me with possessing have been, at the very least, stretches for me; positions and titles that I would have never fathomed to give myself, but, have been wonderful series of self discoveries and God given revelations. By quickly adopting these banners of "pastor, father, big brother, leader, peace bringer, etc" I have been able to hone in and be more purposeful in my interaction with others; meeting the needs well beyond those just at the water's surface. When you quickly marry these defining adjectives, courage and boldness soon follow; seeing the feasibility of the impossible growing as your faith takes on greater capacity; firsthand testimonies of God's marvelous power at work through you as you step out into the inconvenient and unfamiliar. God is quick to fill and encourage in these fresh moments of obedience and selflessness. What I had perceived could never have been outworked in me, has been unfolding magically before me; mindsets being eradicated and rebuilt.

...It is wild how starkly different the renderings can be of yourself; at the mercy of others and their steady brush strokes. Maybe, just maybe, it is healthy to know the three renderings; my own, my peers, and, MY GOD's.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Casting on the Other Side

I am speaking from a place that is familiar, only because I am walking IN it at this juncture in time; yet it in truth, it IS a place of unfamiliarity... casting my net on the other side of the boat.

In John 21, Peter, as well as Thomas, James, John, Nathaniel, and two other undisclosed disciples, find themselves in the very same predicament that I stand in at this moment. These highly skilled and overqualified fisherman had been up all night long throwing nets, and by dawn’s arrival, had caught no fish to speak of. And with the dawn came Jesus; a word beckoning them to a new level of faith. From one hundred yards away, Jesus, giving no word of persuasion, rather a blatant command, told them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat. And from that faith-filled cast a blessing would be yielded.... and was.

What an uncomfortable place to be. You find Peter and his mates being told how to do their jobs from a stranger on the beach; who we only find out later is Jesus. What if the left side of the boat is all they had ever known; what if throwing with their left arm was more comfortable and more efficient than throwing with their right. Maybe taking the net to the other side was actually a rather large thing to ask of them; a pain staking task to be exact; maybe in that fact, they had to take up the anchor and reposition the boat to do so. And to be honest, would 20 feet the other direction really make a huge difference??? But to Jesus, this faithful response meant everything; and Peter and his boys voluntarily chose to venture into unfamiliar territory; a place where pride and fear cannot go; a place of great blessing, as well as stretching.

This makes me think about my own approach to Christ; how we approach others; our dreams....

Peter’s heart’s desire was to catch those fish. Intimate encounters with Jesus is my fish; what I am casting my net for. And maybe your hearts desire is to see lives miraculously changed by the Savior of the world; a longing we ALL have stitched within our being. But, has our approach found itself residing in a place of familiarity; hanging out on the comfortable side of the boat??? Like Peter, Jesus wants to fulfill the deepest desires of our hearts. But the question is, are we willing to walk away from comfort to receive blessing; a blessing extending far beyond what we originally conjured up in our minds.

Sometimes we have to allow Jesus to walk us to the other side of the boat to receive that blessing; a place of unfamiliarity and discomfort. But in this shift, not only will lives be transformed, but intimacy with our creator will find new depths.

Be bold and step out in faith.

John 21:1-14

Friday, October 15, 2010

Walking Forward from Now

... I have found, and have received salvation in Christ; nothing in this world can satisfy that which has ALREADY been satisfied in Him. So as I walk forward to eternity, i need not seek anything else; the most precious gift is already in my possession. Amen.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

....keeping a foot on the break

... one tiny, cultural observation has been brought to my attention as of late; in regards to Aussie drivers, pedestrians do NOT have the right away. They in no shape or form decrease their speed or break for you as you prayerfully step from the curb in total commitment for the other side. Nope, they do not, and I am quite uncertain at this juncture in time if they would stop at all. It's hard to fathom what it would actually take to get them to abandon themselves for a moment; to be inconvenienced for a brief moment in time to yeild to the lives walking before them ....

.... I had a thought today... how many divine appointed "God moments" do we miss every day because we fail to remove our foot from the gas pedal in our own lives; denying them the right to inconvenience us away from our own personal agendas. What will it take for us to be open to yielding to those hurting around us; people longing for YOU to utter the name Jesus into their expectant ears; yearning for YOU to give them Jesus in the very flesh that you have wrapped around your bones; the filling of a lifetime's worth of holes and cracks that have marked the very definition of their existence.

.... also a word for myself, maybe we should drive through life with a little more pressure applied to the break pedal; being prepared and WILLING to abandon our planned out lives to share the love of Christ; finding joy in the opportunities God gives us to yeild to other's needs and wants.... being that this IS God's will for our own lives.

... God give us the eyes to see your children around us...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

... defintion

... be able to define the face of grace in your past. When you do, you receive the responsibility to live life in a manner that steers clear of complacency and shear boredom. Your whole life; every waking moment exudes worship; birthing from a place of gratitude....

.... what a good question to ask each day.... Is my day marked by worship; each breath, each word, each step???

Friday, September 17, 2010

... justice and love go hand in hand....

... there lies a picture in my mind; an elderly man who possesses a rare love that is much more beautiful than any love we have ever humanly experienced; yet, a man consumed by a thirst that can only be quinched by the completion of a goal and dream that rests before him on the cold, unwelcoming concrete. Scattered before him, puzzle peices of metal, glass, and plastic; a classic car named "Justice" beckons him to draw near with his soothing and purposeful touch. He invisions the end; a clear and untarnished rendering of the desired shape and form; the texture, the hue, the very smell of gasoline and leather. The love he has for "Justice" is evident and unshakable. One would think that a love so strong would promote a frantic and hasty construction; sleepless nights marked by conversations between you, yourself, and the stale air that permiates your clothes and lungs; conversing with nuts and bolts and a flashlight. But this is proven not true. Each piece is blanketed in loving patience; taking time to polish, clean and fit into place. Even parts that bare scars of obvious abuse and battery are given purpose and attention well beyond what is required. A vision of the intended design consumes his mind. He knows where each step is heading; he knows the final draft; what was designed will be restored; "justice" will be once more.

... and from this thought, our Heavenly Father loves justice as well; taking what was once shattered and broken and restoring it... a.k.a humanity; taking what is obviously wrong and making it undeniably right. He loved justice so much that He voluntarily forfeited His son over to death; to commence a restoration and new work in us and all humanity. Justice won't be fully complete and whole until Jesus' glorious return, but rest knowing that it has already begun; even amongst the fires and earthquakes of life. Justice is rising!

..... God is taking his time with each day; polishing and perfecting each moment for its Godly intention; no day, no breath being waisted..... allowing those who don't know Him to be grafted into the family and restored; healed, fed, and made fruitful....

.... breathe and rest in the fact that God knows what the final rendering looks like, and, that He will see justice to completion. Pain and suffering will not always be welcome.... soon, so very soon.

Friday, September 10, 2010

spagetti and pancakes

I think that we as Christians forget the humanous of other fellow believers; involuntarily defining them as superhuman and immortal; free from the battering and flogging that sin openly and lavishly pours out on the rest of us unfortunate souls. As I minister to myself and the choir in these moments, I must say that our index fingers and our straying thought life are pretty good at pointing out the duality that other Christians find themselves living. Modestly speaking, we tend to forget that God has them on a journey too; US not knowing to the slightest degree what the wreckage, from which they have had to scrape themselves off the pavement and walk away from, looks like. Like ourselves, THEY need a river of grace to flood its banks and sweep them away; US being a tiny part of that river that flows beside and beneath them to encourage them into the mighty current of our Lord and Savior.

Like ourselves, God is writing them INTO HIS story; day by day, helping them keep the "old them" buried in the ground where they belong. MY life has been littered with accounts of where I have ACTIVELY dug up the bones of the "old me;" a sad attempt to resurrect someone who should stay in the ground; a finish line where pain and mourning are always waiting to greet the willing with open arms.... a familiar story that you have written for yourselves as well.

... We are not, and have not been exempt from the blatant gunfire of sin; temptation dressed at its finest. All have fallen wounded by the crossfire. But thank God for the power that has been stitched within our very makeup with OUR simple, heartfelt "yes;" that same power that conquered death and beckoned Jesus from the grave; that very same power that comes beside us and treads on sin, and, breaks our hearts for the wounded among us; giving us courage and compassion to take a knee with them and weep.... positioning ourselves to see God work a miracle before our very eyes. Let us not wound the wounded, but, be quick to tend to the mortal's scrapes and gashes that DO exist.

... let us break our fingers, and subsequently, ask God to break our hearts for the not-so-superhero-like.... asking God to open our eyes and ears to see and hear them among the fires.

"Gracious words are a honeycomb; sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Let em know!!!

...through a very brief conversation about tattoos this morning, the Holy Spirit revealed something to me...

... people just need bold and courageous individuals in their lives to speak PURPOSE and ENCOURAGEMENT into them; people that are fearless enough and who know God's heart for people enough to speak loving truth into them; illuminating the fact that God has a very divine, and uniquely crafted purpose for their life in the very circumstance they find themselves wading in.... the newly retired 63 year old work-aholic, the recovering drug abuser, the single mom, the jobless, the aimless student....

They are in dire need for US to pierce their hearts with God's words of affirmation and purpose; washing them in unconditional love and encouragement; building their trust and giving them hope that God's brilliant plan IS at work and IS unfolding right before them; a plan that involves using their very failures and weaknesses for something greater than themselves; taking what is broken and reuniting it with its intended purpose and design; giving them a heart that hungers for the whole world to know the name of Jesus; the child of God that WILL answer the call to war and take the Gospel to those whose hearts so eagerly await the very life giving words of Jesus Christ. They can and will be "rocks" in our houses..... our church.

Jeremiah 29:11-14 - " For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I WILL listen to you. You WILL seek me and FIND me when you seek me with all your heart. I WILL be found by you, declares the Lord, "and will bring you back from captivity."

Monday, August 16, 2010

... the revelation of God's love in my own life yields a change in me; seeing firsthand that God's heart is for ALL people.... put on God's garment of love, not one of superiority; recollecting the outpour of grace in the undeserving times of weakness and failure. WE have a hard enough time as it is keeping our OWN lives in line with what the Bible teaches, so be quick to stuff your "pointer finger" back in your pocket in regards to the struggles others are facing. Run quickly to grace and see what God reveals to you...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Saturday, July 30th, 2010 - Coffee with Jay from Wales

... I count it such a huge blessing to have had the chance and privilege to meet such a strong man of God; Jay, the 3'7" englishman from Wales; small in respect to physical size, but, incredibly massive in heart, and, truly Goliath in his faith in our God.

... there is much God has spoken to me while escorting Jay around in his wheel chair; what he likes to refer to as the "spaz-chariot." Oh, to be able to laugh in our circumstances; being able to respond to God's grace in light of the fires raging out of control around us. It is a conscious choice NOT to react to what life deals you; it is a choice to RESPOND to God; to reflect and volley the grace that has been poured out on you. How side swiped I was by the TRUTH that Jay spoke, "I AM created in God's image;" a statement that may leave others questioning their faith in Jay's presence; a scripture that took on new meaning for me today; seeing that we has humans judge ourselves against the measure of other human beings; a dangerous measure indeed. In Jay's words, God's words were coming through so clear; God has the slightest concern for the physical aspects of our life; with how we look, how well we speak, how awesome OUR efforts are being displayed to the church body and world; not negating His desire for us to be healthy and free of sickness and successful, but, the truth that He is far more concerned over the condition of OUR hearts; our salvation and eternal destination. God is far more concerned that we spend the rest of eternity in His presence, not looking good for our peers and earning our outstanding ovations. IS a wild thought the we feel the need to react to life and perform a song and dance for those positioned around us. Like Jay, we must respond to God's grace and KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that out of love, we WERE created in His image; that we were fashioned with the likenesses of God; His character and His loves. And in that realization, peace will come and weights will be lifted, AND, we'll quit worrying and measuring ourselves against fickle human standards.

... thank you Jay!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

...when God is applying His divine pressure on us; situations that demand a faith-filled dependency on Him; a place where we are being shaped and bent as we wait ever so patiently for His divine response.... a.k.a., the human impossible feat... in these moments its not only important to know what He is pulling out of us and strengthening, but it is also good to take a mental inventory of our response to this pressing. How is my external response comparing against my inner reality; the spiritual reality within me. If we are truly at peace with the fire that God is refining us within, do our actions tell the same story?

.. sometimes I must exercise the response of quiet confidence in our Lord; speaking without reservation reflects the nervous, drowning and flailing state of the UNTRUSTING child.

...Boldly and courageously, and with quiet confidence, leap into God's redeeming flow. Really trust in His perfection...

Friday, July 23, 2010

"God, you can have everything, but you can't have my motorcycle.." has been remarkably difficult; showing no signs of struggle to the world around. A peace filled "YES" has led to another fork in the road; weighty decision applying pressure to the inner reality of my world. I have prayed for clarity; believing that God would speak clarity and guidance on the topic at hand. But, have I longed so much for someone to pour out the answer on me that I have grown fearful and naive to digging up the treasures placed within me? I listened for you God in the voices of your children; wanting so badly for prophesy to blanket my heart.

Divine intervention within the context of coffee; listening ears and a soft heart speak into my life through complete silence. Wisdom at hand, Kevin gave me no words of guidance. He ALLOWED me to drown in my own thoughts enough to learn to swim.....revelation came within the flailing. The Holy Spirit presence was FELT within the room.

...I speak of THIS journey as a sacrifice; a series of moments that beckoned me to let go of a part of myself; being asked to walk in submission and sacrifice. But, I now know that I have forgotten one string to cut; overseeing one hidden facet; the last penny to let go of.... MUSIC.

Sometimes we speak of sacrifice only in the physical; family, friends, relationships, money, time, comfort.... over coffee I discovered the need for me to surrender my DREAMS to God; passions lying deep within the corridors of my heart. I trusted God enough to yield the broadness of my life to His will, but selfishly, held so tightly to my dreams; that God's will had walk in line with MY dreams. But i know that for me to be able to walk into the massiveness of God's call on my life, I MUST be able to lay down ALL that is me; an authority written over my life by the hand of Yahweh.

Forgive me Father for my mistrust and selfishness! I trust that fullness is on its way; wholeness rides in with the approaching dawn... does not define me, OUR Creator does.

I have chosen to study pastoral leadership here at Hillsong College; not laying down my gift permanently, but within a heart of surrender, releasing it for a season...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Knowledge at the Beginning: Hillsong Journey

... the deeper my roots grown down into the soil and bubbling spring that is Christ, the more I become a living target to be shot at...

But I AM called, and, I AM covered by the blood of Jesus. Game on...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Does God Need Us???

I was having coffee with a friend the other day, and a question materialized out of a conversation that we were having on the subject of me leaving for Australia soon: Does God really need us???

The question itself was not answered immediately; a clever response not sitting on deck awaiting its moment to shine. Its a question that begs your full, mind, and heart's, participation....

Granting time its respectful allotment, the answer that came soon after was "no, He doesn't." Out of our HUMAN desires to be needed, I wanted to answer YES. But in ALL truth, God is God; what could the created give the creator to lend a hand? What angle did God forget that WE totally picked up on??? What does God lack that we have in our possession?????? Obviously, nothing.

And this is where God's loving nature comes in; drowning us in His immeasurable mercy and grace. He loves us so, so much that He allows us to help Him in the process; pardoning us of our present state that is marked by weaknesses and failures; GIFTING us with the opportunity to point the whole world to Him; to His son Jesus. Who does that, other than God? Awesome!!!

I love that OUR gracious and merciful Father allows ragamuffins like us to be His light houses... to aid in the process of saving lives.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Different Shades

I have complete faith and hope in the fact that God wants to do the humanly impossible through us ALL; both the weakest and strongest of faith.

.....but the humanly impossible can have so many different shades; complexions shining brighter, or, in the tiniest of gestures, dimmer than its neighboring hue; each being complimentary, and, integral to the whole story being told; God's story.

I am thankful that God's palette is broad; that He uses some extravagantly, and that He also chooses to use others more modestly; needing the loud and the silent; each adding strength to the other's weakness, but in turn, both singing praises to God in unison; that His vantage point, and His story, is far greater than ours.

With meek and humble hearts, yield to the trustworthy brush strokes of our God; allowing your life to be painted in any way that He sees fit.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

..."how beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news..." - Romans 10:15.

Had the privilege tonight to love on everyone with a guitar, microphone, and close friend; curbside, heart unlaced and receptive to all that was poured out. I left overflowing. Amen

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Building of Trophies...

As of late, God has fleshed out my thoughts; a revelation given bone, muscles, and skin; a thought that is not rocket science....

....At times, the dimly lit and slick stepping stones that I have had to cross in my past; the pathways of my life, from the vantage point of the world, have resembled that of a wandering ship lost at sea; a circling voyage pieced apart by those who perceive life only in the linear. But God's thoughts are not like our thoughts, and His ways are so much loftier than ours; a box that we should never place Him in.

I have come to believe that God draws vital pieces to the puzzle out of us within every step from stone to stone; each piece crucial to the next, and, complimentary to the wholeness and purpose of the mosaic; bringing God all the glory and fame because of the light that Christ shines through us. And what has been perceived as wandering, is in ALL actuality, a display of God's brilliance; a divine orchestration of the perfect steps for MY life, not yours; the human impossibility being made possible by His breath falling upon it. Our lives; each point, intersection, and fork in the road; each pathway that has been uniquely designed for us, is meant to draw out the important pieces that He needs, that when strategically placed together, equal the person that we were created to be; the person that can and WILL fulfill His will and bring Him joy because All the pieces have been collected to commence action; a will that is revealed and fulfilled IF we make the choice to trade our personal pursuits for His and say "yes" to His steps and logic, not ours.

From every move, from every school, from every career, from every failure and success, God has drawn something special and vital from deep waters within me; surgical removals that have been accompanied by severe pain and confusion, by great joy and peace. Spirit filled peace and clarity have not always been close friends of mine; privileges that I have been allowed to experience from the overflowing of God's grace and immeasurable mercy.

Spiritual weaponry is being assembled by the hands of God; a.k.a. THE CALLING ON MY LIFE.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Hunter...

O, how I long to be so close to you again; back in time to a place without separation. How I fervently pray just to feel your wind dance through my broken branches and delicate leaves; embracing my outstretched arms that yearn for your Son; the warmth.

It grows cold here sometimes and the nights overstay their welcome. There IS a hunter in these woods; prowling like that of a lion. But he knows where to find me in the stillness of my stature. He comes to me with ax in hand; to "talk," and for me to listen. He is coming today much like yesterday; mirroring the days that preceded our dawn today. He has come to strip away the beauty, to cheat those seeking refuge and shelter in God's grace and mercy. But attempt after attempt; cut after endless cut, he cannot have what he longs for; his loss being clearly defined in the years of the past.

Above the ground I am reduced to nothing; pity and scorn from the eyewitnesses that dance around the base of my trunk. But below the surface, underneath the cold soil and earth lies an anchor; roots of strength and confidence; roots that he cannot steal away or barter for; roots driven through and intertwined within an abundant spring; my living water.

Growth is inevitable. Shoots reach for the stars; for YOUR warmth; the loving embrace of a FATHER. In desperation, my roots hold steadfast to a time without separation from your love.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

When I daydream about being in Australia, I see a completely other person when I see me; someone stronger, someone more WHOLE; I see me standing confidently; someone who has stepped into the person God created them to be; untampered and unaffected by a world whose agenda mirrors nothing of God's; a vantage point He only allows us to see and experience. I see and hear words of boldness and courage falling from my lips; I see me lying face down on the ground in unbridled worship; crying out in the overwhelming presence of God. I see me overflowing in His thoughts and His words; a divine connection that has been reestablished and unveiled; unselfishly sowing into the lives of those in arms reach.

When I daydream about being in Australia, I truly want to become the person I see; not to keep and hoard for my own selfish gain, but, so that I bring God joy, and can be used for His divine plans.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


There are giants in my life; giants trying with all their might to reclaim a victory that has been lost for eternity; efforts that are unrelenting and know no rest and boundaries; adversaries that know no definition of fairness or compassion; the archer's arrow that yearns to usher death to completion; dropping the stag before hoofs can break ground within the promise land.

I WILL press on for God's best; at all costs, choosing to share in Christ's suffering so that I may be graced with the sincere privilege, and, deemed worthy, to step into what God has prepared; to be HIS messenger.

They might be giants, but HE is my God!!! One by one they WILL fall!

Monday, April 12, 2010

In ALL honesty, speak honestly; speaking the truth with courage and boldness into the lives of those who surround you in your sphere of influence. Even when combativeness is in foresight, fight with all that you have been given to speak in words of black and white; the shade of gray does not, and, will not conceive or sustain true life. Grace IS bound to truth; an unconditional love that will seize the opportunity, and, knows from wisdom that it is FAR greater and most beneficial to step on toes and make others uncomfortable in their own skin from a vantage point of love; taking a leap of faith in order to speak life-giving truth into others lives; giving silence the back seat and the silent treatment. In light of truth that needs to be spoken, there is NO love in silence. Truth that speaks from love WILL pierce and cut through muscle and bone, but, will be the first to kneel and lift you from the cold and lifeless concrete; speaking healing words of encouragement and affirmation.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

God, arm the time bomb hidden within my ribs; detonation awakening the slumbering creation groaning within me; all that you intended for me to be when you formed me within your steady hands from dust.

...even when words can't be uttered and expressed, love IN action takes over and transcends all boundaries and scales all walls; in silence, Love can, and will be spoken quite clearly and unfiltered to the heart...... God taught me this tonight.

...making a love deposit into someone's life is like heaving a stone into the middle of a pond; a magical contact that commences the dispersion of ripples in every direction; a tree whose branches zealously push outward to shower in the sun. Tonight, a random act of love has changed my life. Others WILL feel the caress of that ripple.

Thank you God for tears; little friends that let me know that I am alive; that I'm not a machine; that I feel hurt, and feel joy; that I have emotions that live in the depths beneath the water's surface; a place where some "choose" to dwell. Hurt reminded me that I was alive today; persuasion beckons me to live life like a machine. Here's my poetic, declaration of refusal.

April 10th, 2010: Home Away From Home

I am surrounded, and, overwhelmed by empathetic compassion and love; FAMILY; something I was involuntarily starving for and had no recollection of. A week had pulled itself from the shadows and lodged itself on my jugular; leaching and embezzling energy and strength from muscle and bone; places unseen by spectating eyes. God reminded me of why I must press on through the dark today; enduring exhaustion and sleep deprivation for the sake of another; conquering all selfishness and pride; all for the hearts and eternal purposes of MY family. Abby, God has His hand on your life. He has set you apart to be a shepherd over His flock. Receive it with joy and with utter reverence. What a wonderful privilege WE are not worthy to posses. The devil must be furious of what WE accomplished today, and, of what will continue to spread like dry, wild fires in the howling Santa Anna winds.

Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9th, 2010: Coffee, Good Weather, and the Back Porch...

Being the weak human being that I am, I spend a lot of my time, why lie, most of my time, on the clock at my place of employment thinking of witty comebacks and "truth-bombs" I'd LOVE to drop in altercations, that for the most part, will NEVER happen at all. In ALL honesty I spend five hours a day becoming a slave to my fantastical daydreams of getting the rare chance to speak some wisdom into the managerial staff at Fedex Ground; a sad waste of energy, and, missed opportunities to worship God and speak love into other comrades lying in the trenches beside me; a dark chasm longing for the presence of God.

I was doing some thinking, a.k.a. detoxing, on the back porch this morning and had a wonderful thought dropped into my brain. In all sadness of truth, many of my coworkers HAVE to work second and third jobs just to eke by financially each month; the big, bad bully that steels your lunch, and, your joy!!! My thought, by the world's standards, I don't work a second job. Out of my own volition, and due to the priceless knowledge I have obtained of the call God has placed on my life, I work the 4 a.m. shift in a place that some would refer to as hell. I chose to execute this move so that in the evenings, four-or-so days a week, I can volunteer my time leading worship and mentoring junior high and high school kids within the four walls of my home church; setting the tone for God to knock one outa the park; yearning for other hearts to be wrecked by the same Jesus that wrecked mine. Most would think that volunteering is not a job; no currency exchange for the work rendered equals NOTTA JOB right? But my thought that tagged along behind that statement was; is money the only thing that you can be payed in??? Some get payed in money, others in food; some get payed in love, and others in friendship; some get payed in joy, and others in satisfaction and fulfillment. Just think, being God's hands and feet; loving on the lost and the broken; a job that many would speak of as "just volunteering;" a position that pays in a currency far greater than money; NOTING that our actions won't ever be enough, and will never be able to earn our way into heaven; but in all truth and wisdom, the GIFT of salvation is a far greater payoff to turning your back on the world's noise and following the peaceful revolution modeled by Jesus; a life driven by unconditional love and forgiveness.

So here's my formal declaration over the white noise around me; I choose to keep pouring into the lost and broken; a world in desperate need of a Savior..... Jesus. Knowing, that only by faith and trust in Him are we truly saved; a victorious payoff that took place two thousand years ago; a payoff that will continue to echo throughout time until His glorious return.